

Dr. Pal SZENTANNAI is the Executive Committee Member designated by Hungary in the IEA – FBC (International Energy Agency – Fluidized Bed Conversion, ieafbc.org). He authored and edited several books on the topics fluidized bed conversion and advanced power plant process control (Scale-Up, Glossary, Advanced, Springer). He is also proud of the direct experiences he gained in the energy industry as an engineer involved in the design and commissioning of thermal and control systems (GEA-EGI). He is the Deputy Head of the Department of Energy Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Budapest, Hungary



Ph.D. Student with special focus on the conversion kinetics of renewable solid fuels under realistic FBC conditions. His work experiences cover a wide range including experimental, theoretical and numerical investigations. Especially interested in the consequences of the nonspherical and inhomogeneous character of most renewable fuels.

Mohamed Sobhi Al-Agha

Mohamed Sobhi AL-AGHA

PhD student with special interest and successes on the theoretical and numerical researches of binary fuel mixing and segregation in fluidized beds.

Botond SZÜCS

Botond SZÜCS

Botond SZÜCS is currently an MSc student of BME, but he is heavily involved into the FBC research activities since his first BSc semesters. He is an outstandingly successful researcher focusing on the hydrodynamic behavior of irregular active particles mixed into the fluidized bed.



Balázs BAJMÓCZY is a Master’s student of energy engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Previously, in his Bachelor’s Thesis he investigated the combustion characteristics of various biomass samples. During his work, he executed multiple measurements on biomass combustion and reviewed the concerning literature. Currently he is examining solid recovered fuel (SRF) samples with thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) to determine its material propertie



Gréta GYETVAI is currently studying energy engineering MSc at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. In the past, she studied the energetic utilization of agricultural residues and the process of co-combustion in a fluidized bed combustor. As of now, she is using CFD modeling to examine the oxygen mass transport around solid fuel particles.

Zsombor POGÁNY

Zsombor POGÁNY

Zsombor POGÁNY is an energy engineering student at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He is expected to gain the BSc diploma this year, and he is going to follow his studies in the MSc program of the same university. His main focus is on the experimental investigation of co-combustion of herbaceous biomass fuels.

Leandro ARENAS

Leandro ARENAS

Colombian student of the Master's Program in Mechanical Engineering Modelling at BME, graduated as BSc in Mechanical Engineering at Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.

We are proud of the broad range of knowledge of all our colleagues in the Department of Energy Engineering that we can always fall back on.
